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Eaze My Travel 659 views

Something About Company

EAZE MY TRAVEL , launched in 2012 by Vipin Jain. EAZE MY TRAVEL deals in B2B. We offer domestic & international travel packages and tourist guide information for its valued travelers to explore the world civilization of this beautiful and mysterious land. We have best rate packages for entire India. As one of India’s biggest travel agency, we provide economical group travel packages, luxury private travel packages as well as hotel reservation with 24/7 manned online and hotline services.

EAZE MY TRAVEL is one of the fastest growing segments of the world; it is bringing people together in a way that the world has never seen before. Our goal is simple: to help you find the best travel place, guides and packages you seek.

We work to arrange business conferences, team building activities, corporate parties etc. We aim at promoting tourism by providing a variety of tour packages to world with all kinds of travel related services to make your tours memorable and enjoyable. With experience, our company is successful in offering the best travel related services to its clients. We offer complete, cost effective and customized tour packages.

EAZE MY TRAVEL is there for you, whenever and wherever.

You are welcome to write to the Management with feedback about our services at [email protected]

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